Academic Honors

Honors at Golden West College

Golden West College students have a long history of academic excellence. One indication of this stems from their achievements in the classroom. Each semester, we proudly celebrate students from our Presidents List  (12 units at GWC and a 4.0 GPA), Deans List (12 units at GWC and a 3.5 to 3.99 GPA) and our Honors List (6-11.99 units at GWC and a 3.75-4.0 GPA). We also invite our high achieving students to join one of our honors societies:

1. Alpha Gamma Sigma (Honor Society) Sigma Pi Chapter. This is the California community college academic honor society. Membership requires a current and cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better. Dues are $15 each semester. AGS promotes scholarship and leadership skills and provides opportunities for service to the campus and local organizations. All members receive special recognition at the GWC graduation ceremony.

2. Psi Beta. Golden West College is a founding member of Psi Beta. Since 1982, the national honor society of Psi Beta has invited high-achieving, psychology students to a lifetime membership. To be eligible, you must have completed a GWC psychology course with a B or better, have 12 units of GWC coursework, have an interest in psychology, and have earned a 3.25 cumulative GPA (or be in the top 35% of GWC GPAs). To inquire about receiving a sponsorship invitation, please contact Amy Jennings.
