Construction Update for Week Beginning: 1/16/23

Language Arts Complex - Measure M:
Construction activity continues with interior drywall installation, priming and painting, ceiling T-bar and lighting installation, and restroom partition and fixture installation. Exterior finishing continues with exterior stucco application, and porcelain tile and terra cotta installation. Roofing will commence on low roof segments. Scaffolding is being removed incrementally. The construction fence on the east side of the project is being extended into the quad area of campus for site work; there will be no pedestrian or vehicle access along the east side of the project at the south west corner of the Student Services Center. Please navigate around the east side of Student Services. Portions of Parking Lot C remain barricaded for construction traffic; there is no parking within the barricades. Roads and walkways within any fenced off construction area are not accessible to pedestrian traffic; please use alternate routes to get around Campus. Exercise caution around construction vehicles and areas surrounding the construction site. Noise level will be low to moderate for these activities. (See attached map [PDF] for work areas and construction vehicle routes)

Site Restoration Project - Campus:
Restoration of the demolition site from the old KOCE building is in progress. The site, which is located on the east side of campus between the Amphitheater and Fine Arts, north of Forum 2, will remain fenced off with no public access within the fence. (See attached map [PDF] for work area)

Pool Replastering Project - Campus:
The replastering of the swimming pools on campus continues this week. This will have minimal impact on the campus at this time. (See attached map [PDF] for work area)

Tree Trimming - Campus:
Tree trimmers will be working this week in various areas on campus. Watch for vehicles, equipment, and coned off areas and stay clear of these areas.

General Note:
For any additional questions or clarifications, please email Mike Golden at for Measure M projects, and Frank Fonseca at or Joe Dowling at for Campus projects.
