Sabbatical Application Packet [PDF]

Intent to File [PDF]

Sabbatical Leave Timeline [PDF]


To facilitate your goal to create a successful Sabbatical Proposal we have sample proposals available to review on the IPD SharePoint

QUESTIONS - If you have any questions or would like further assistance, please contact MaryLynne LaMantia, Professor of Biological Sciences and Chair, Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee at

Note to Applicant: Please review Article XVI of the AFT/CCCD Contract prior to submitting your Application and Proposal in order to determine eligibility and benefits.


SABBATICAL LEAVE:  Full-time Faculty

In accordance with Article XXI, section 21.3.d Sabbatical Leave of the CFE/AFT CCCD Contract.

The IPD Committee supports and values the sabbatical leave as an opportunity for professional growth. Sabbatical leaves bring new ideas, innovations, and creativity to our students’ educational experiences and reflects GWC’s commitment to excellence. The IPD Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee supports your success and asks that you carefully follow the directions in this Sabbatical Leave packet linked above. The IPD is committed to helping all applicants in this process.

Faculty Members will be encouraged to pursue professional growth leading to the development of increased competence and the improvement of instruction and/or redirection in their teaching discipline. The district’s sabbatical leave program is designed to assist in this pursuit.

A regular (full-time) faculty member may apply for a sabbatical leave after six years of consecutive years of service with the district. It is recommended that you review Article XXI, section 21.3.d of the CFE/AFT CCCD Contract prior to proceeding with the application process to determine eligibility and benefits.

APPLICATION PROCESS - refer to linked documents above

  1. Submit an INTENT TO FILE for Sabbatical Leave Form. It must be submitted to the IPD Office one year prior to the academic year you wish to take the sabbatical leave. Due by the Friday of the 2nd week of the Fall semester (contractual deadlines). 

  2. Submit a SABBATICAL LEAVE APPLICATION (refer to Sabbatical packet) and your PROPOSAL. The Sabbatical Leave application and proposal are due to the IPD Office by the Friday of the 3rd week of the Fall semester. You may submit your documents electronically to . The IPD Office will provide a confirmation receipt of your application. If you do not receive confirmation, it is the faculty member's responsibility to follow up with the IPD Office PRIOR TO the deadline.  

    The Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee will conduct an evaluation/ranking of the sabbatical leave proposals and submit them to to the college president. A conference may be coordinated with the college president, IPD Chair, Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee Chair and the applicant if needed for further discussion. The college president will forward their recommended sabbaticals to the Board of Trustees for approval. Sabbatical Leave Subcommittee and the Office of the Presidents shall notify successful candidates by the end of the spring semester. **Refer to the Timeline for additional dates and process **

    Upon completion of your sabbatical leave, and within 60 days of your return to duty, a written report must be submitted to the IPD Office detailing the project and its outcomes; copies will be shared with the IPD committee, college president, and housed in the IPD SharePoint and a physical copy in the GWC Library Public Service desk. 

    - Presentation: The IPD Office will contact you to schedule a time to present a brief report on your sabbatical leave to the IPD Committee. You will be given five minutes for your report and five additional minutes for questions from your colleagues. 

    TIMELINE - In accordance with the CFE/AFT CCCD contract 

    September 6, 2024 Intent to File due* End of 2nd week of Fall semester
    September 13, 2024 Applications & Proposals due*  End of 3rd week of Fall semester
    October 4, 2024 Applications (proposals) requiring revision will be returned to applicant End of 6th week of Fall semester
    October 18, 2024 Deadline for submission of revised applications End of 8th week of Fall semester
    November 2, 2024 Acceptable sabbaticals sent to College President
    November 9, 2024 If the President requires ranking, request is made of Sabbatical Leave Committee
    November 18, 2024 Ranking sent to the College President
    December 1, 2024 President sends sabbaticals to the District
    January 2025  Board of Trustees approves sabbaticals
    February 7, 2025 Sabbatical Leave Committee shall notify successful candidates End of 1st week of Spring semester

