IPD ELIGIBILITY: Full-time Faculty and 7.5+ LHE Part-time Faculty  

The IPD offers various funding opportunities for attendance or presenting at Conferences, Professional Meetings, Workshops, Seminars, and Classes that are related to the District's educational program and the faculty member's professional growth. Annual conference allowance (July 1 through June 30) is per eligible faculty member and is issued on a first-come first-served basis, determined based on available IPD funds, and the annual allowance is subject to change each fiscal year.

District policies prohibit receiving IPD and any other District funds for the same professional development activity including Flex credit, IPD salary advancement credit or IPD Alternative Methods funding. 

CRITERIA: (in accordance with Article XXI. Professional Development Institute, Section 21.1. of the faculty contract). Attendance of a conference or other professional development activity must be related to a faculty member's discipline or teaching in the classroom. It must enhance the professional growth of faculty and their knowledge and skills, ultimately improving teaching, student learning, and college functioning. 

AP 7400 Travel - is your guide to what is covered and eligible for reimbursement.  

Application (CAR form) must be submitted to the IPD Office at least six-weeks prior to the date of the conference/PD activity. Review the IPD Application deadlines to ensure that you submit your CAR in time to be included on the IPD meeting agenda. Refer to the Application Process section below for further information. 


A single conference or other professional development activity can be funded up to 100% of actual permissible expenses ( e.g. registration, airfare, lodging, mileage, meals, and parking, etc.) up to the $2,200 annual max. If the maximum is not used on the first conference/activity and as funds permit, multiple applications can be submitted to request funds up to the $2,200 annual max.  

Faculty members are to fund conference related purchases out-of-pocket and submit for reimbursement. Refer below to Reimbursement Process. 



  1. $2,200 towards attendance of a Discipline and/or General Education Conference, Professional Meeting, Workshop, Seminar, and Class. (A single fund is offered this year for discipline and general education conferences). 

  2. An additional $150 in conference funding to faculty members presenting at the conference/PD activity. (Must submit proof of presentation such as the conference program when submitting for conference reimbursement).

  3. A separate $2,200 fund to attend Academic Senate for California Community Colleges conferences linked here with priority given to Academic Senate and standing committee members. Apply at least six weeks in advance and the Senate Office will assist with prepayment of the registration fee. 

  4. A separate $2,200 fund for faculty members to attend a conference per their GWC or District leadership role, committee member role, faculty coordinator role, or as a request by the college or District. This includes conferences of a general import to the educational program of the college. Funding is subject to one conference/PD activity per academic year.

    • Faculty members must first contact the Office of Instruction to request VPI Faculty Conference funds. The IPD may act as a secondary funding source to subsidize VPI funds. If VPI Faculty Conference funds are depleted, the faculty member must include written confirmation of this from the Office of Instruction with their CAR.
    • In the Purpose of Trip section of the CAR or attach as a separate written statement: explain the the reason for attendance including in what capacity you will be attending, which administrator requested you to attend, what knowledge and/or skills do you expect to gain, how do the outcomes relate to GWC's or District's educational program and/or the committee you are representing. 

Funds will not be approved retroactively. CARs must be received by the IPD at least six-weeks prior to the date of the event. IPD accepts CARs up to a year in advance. If current conference details aren't posted to their problem! Just include a copy of last year's information. You are responsible to follow up with the IPD Office to provide a copy of the current conference details once available. Contact the IPD Office for assistance. 714/895-8175 or email 

Supplemental CFE Funding – CFE will provide up to $300 in supplemental funding to eligible faculty members who have exceeded their campus annual conference funds on a single conference. (For example, your total expenditures exceeded the IPD's approved $2,200 on a single conference). Contact to request additional information.

Salary Advancement Credits (SAC) - If you are full-time faculty member on Columns I-IV of the salary schedule and wish to earn SAC instead of requesting funding for attending a conference/meeting/class, it is recommended that you complete a Salary Advancement Application. SAC is not approved for professional development activities already approved for District funds. 

After the conference you will receive a link to a required IPD Post-Conference Survey. We hope you enjoyed your conference/PD activity and look forward to hearing all about it! 

Recommended Conferences
Funding for Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Conferences
Cancellations - no longer attending the conference
Reimbursement Process
Donate Your Hotel Toiletries