Student Government

Standing Committees

Members of Student Government share active and vital roles in the governance process at Golden West College. Executive Student Council members are elected by the general student body or appointed when vacancies occur.

In addition to the elected board, the Student Council at GWC consists of five Standing Committees that assist in the organization and operation of campus programs and events: Publicity, Student Interest, Finance, College Life, and Sustainability. Standing Committees are chaired by the corresponding Vice President from the Executive Student Council. Any Golden West College student who is enrolled in five (5) units at GWC and has a 2.0 GPA may apply online to serve on an ASGWC Standing Committee as a Student Delegate. Applications are available online and are accepted throughout the year.

College Life Committee

The College Life Committee is comprised of students who plan and implement ASGWC programs and events throughout the year. The College Life Committee is chaired by the Vice President of College Life and meets weekly during the fall and spring semesters.

Publicity Committee

The Publicity Committee creates marketing and publicity campaigns to promote ASGWC events and initiatives throughout the year. The Publicity Committee is chaired by the Vice President of Public Relations and meets weekly during the fall and spring semesters.

Student Interest Committee

The Student Interest Committee provides an opportunity for students to advocate for changes that positively impact student success. Students on this committee recommend policy changes and suggest solutions for student issues. The Student Interest Committee is chaired by the Vice President of Student Advocacy and meets weekly during the fall and spring semesters.

Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee aims to make Golden West College a more earth-friendly campus by advocating for more sustainable practices. The committee strives to educate, engage, and involve the campus community in sustainability efforts. The Sustainability Committee is chaired by the Vice President of Sustainability and meets weekly during the fall and spring semesters.

Student Senate

The Student Senate is a representative group of leaders appointed from the ASGWC Standing Committees. The group serves as a recommending body to the ASGWC Executive Council and is chaired by the Executive Vice President. The Student Senate meets weekly during the fall and spring semesters.
