Program Review Data | Program Review Forms
2023 Program Review Information | Program Vitality Review
Note: Most documents listed below are in PDF format. To obtain a PDF reader, please visit the Adobe Reader website.
Program review is the primary mechanism by which Golden West College identifies the goals and resources needed to fulfill our educational mission. All programs (instructional and non-instructional) are expected to complete a review on the same three-year cycle. Programs that do not complete their report ARE NOT eligible to receive additional funding for classified positions, faculty positions, facilities, equipment, technology, or other funding recommendations requests.
There are three different program review types: Instructional, Student Services or Administrative.
Each template requests the author(s) to describe their program, reflect on data/outcomes, and define goals for 2023-2024 program timeframe.
To complete your program review, you will fill out the program review template and funding request documents, if applicable. You will then submit your program review documents via Dynamic Forms.
For program review assistance, the following dates and times have been provided: